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Driver Lockout

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When a driver incorrectly enters their PIN three times in a row, the system will lock them out for 30 minutes. To unlock the app, follow the steps below:

  1. Select Unlock Admin at the bottom of the screen
  2. Enter your Admin PIN (This can be found under Settings > My Account)
  3. App will return to the Pump Selection Screen
  4. Only the device the driver is using will be locked out. If drivers in the area have Fill-Rite FMS on their Mobile device, fueling can still resume.

Note: This can be edited under the Settings > Company Settings > App Settings section of the website. You can increase the number of attempts a driver has to enter the correct PIN. This can be set to any number between 1 and 99999 or you can turn this feature Off. This setting can be changed at anytime.