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Data Sorting

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By default, the transactions in your reports are sorted by the date they happened, with the newest transactions appearing at the bottom of the spreadsheet (Ascending).

If you want to sort your transactions using a different value, choose another field in the Sort By menu. When you export your report the transactions will be sorted by that field instead.

Ascending: Smaller values will appear at the top of the exported spreadsheet (A will come before Z, 0 will come before 9). For dates and times, ascending means that earlier dates will appear at the top of the spreadsheet (01/02/2018 will come before 01/03/2018).

Descending: Larger values will appear at the top of the exported spreadsheet (Z will come before A, 9 will come before 0). For dates and times, descending means that later dates will appear at the top of the spreadsheet ( 01/03/2018 will come before 01/02/2018).