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Configure App Login

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Enable Account Logins for Drivers In-App
To allow your driver to log in to their accounts in the Fill-Rite FMS app, you’ll need to enable the setting in the web portal.

1. Navigate to Settings > Company Settings > App Settings
2. Choose to turn Account Logins on for mobile devices and/or iPads and Tablets by clicking the “On” toggle
3. Choose to have your drivers automatically logged out and required to re-enter their phone number and PIN after a specified amount of time

Note: Drivers must have a valid mobile phone number listed in their account. The first login will require a text message verification

View App Login Activity
Web admins are able to view login activity for their company. The App Logins activity table will display a Login ID, Driver Name, Account Type, Login Date, Last Login Activity, and the Device Used.

1. Navigate to Settings > Users > App Logins

Log a Driver Out of the App From the Web Portal
If you have to force an app logout for a specific driver, you can trigger the logout remotely from the web portal.

1. Navigate to Manage > Drivers
2. When you find the driver you would like to log out, click on the Settings Cog icon and select “Force App Logout”

Note: The driver will not be able to complete another transaction without entering their login credentials or using their PIN in the transaction flow.

Unlock a Driver’s Account
When logging in, drivers that repeatedly enter incorrect PINs or verification codes will have their accounts locked for a period of time. After 12 wrong attempts, a Driver’s account will remain locked until unlocked by a web admin from the web portal. Web admins will receive an email and an alert notification through the web portal that a driver’s account has been locked.

1. Navigate to Active Alerts or Manage > Drivers and click on the locked driver
2. Click on the Unlock button next to the driver’s name -OR-
3. Click on the Settings Cog icon and then click “Unlock Account

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