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Adding a Tank

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Tanks can be added in the Manage section of your account. When adding a tank, it must be assigned to a Site. To add a tank:
  1. Go to Manage and select Tanks
  2. On the Tanks page, click Add New Tank
  3. Give the Tank a Name
  4. Select the Site where this tank is located
  5. Select the Tank Product
  6. Select the correct Tank’s Units. Decide if you want to add your tank to access groups (optional), and decide if you want to use a tank code (optional).
  7. Click Next 
  8. Check if you want to track inventory. Enter the cost per unit, enter your current inventory, select your tank shape, and enter tank dimensions.
  9. Select Next
  10. Set your low level, your critical low and your variance. These are preset to recommended values, change them to whatever you prefer.
  11. Select if you want high level alert, and select who gets alert notifications.
  12. Select Done