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Two Factor Authentication

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Two factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra level of security to your account. In addition to entering a PIN in the Fill-Rite app to turn on the pump, all drivers will be required to scan a QR Code that is unique to them. Once they scan their unique QR code, they will be able to select the vehicle they want to fuel and turn on the pump.

When two factor authentication is enabled, all drivers in your account will be automatically assigned a 10-to-32-character alpha-numeric code. These second-factor codes can be found in the Driver Details section for each driver.

QR code stickers that contain that 10-32-character code can be purchased from Fill-Rite or created using the driver’s second-factor code with your own QR code creation service.

To turn on two factor authentication:

  • In your Fill-Rite account, go to Settings > Company Settings > App Settings
  • Turn on Two Factor Authentication


Keep in mind that if a 2FA code is edited after you have received a printed QR code, the QR code for that driver will need to be reprinted and replaced. The old QR code will no longer work.