Case Study: Streamlining fuel management for an automotive dealership
Client Profile
The parts and service director of an automotive dealership faced challenges with fuel management in their Chevy store. The dealership has a monthly fuel consumption of 3,500 to 4,000 gallons across 200 to 250 vehicles.

Testimonial Video
Parts and service director Derek Hively shares how the City Chevy dealership went from a cumbersome, manual process to a efficient and streamlined process by implementing the Fill-Rite Fuel Management System.
Before implementing the Fill-Rite Fuel Management System, the dealership utilized a cumbersome, manual process. Fuel access required obtaining a key from the parts department to access the fuel pump, documenting on a clipboard the amount of fuel used and returning the key to the parts department, resulting in inefficiencies and unrecorded fuel usage. On average, the dealership was missing 20 gallons of fuel per day.

“On average, we were missing about 20 gallons a day that weren’t recorded.”
—Derek Hively, parts and service director at City Chevrolet

After careful consideration, the dealership decided to adopt the Fill-Rite Fuel Management System. Despite initial concerns about subscription fees and set-up costs, a detailed analysis revealed the potential for substantial savings. The decision was made to streamline the fuel management processes and address the inefficiencies in the existing system by installing the Fill-Rite Fuel Management System.

Implementation & Impact
The transition to the Fill-Rite Fuel Management System marked a significant improvement in efficiency. The manual key-based process was replaced with app-based authorization, eliminating the need for physical keys. The system’s real-time tracking capabilities provided accurate data on fuel consumption, preventing the daily losses experienced previously.

The impact of the Fill-Rite Fuel Management System was evident in the dealership’s bottom line. Despite initial apprehensions about the entry costs, the system paid for itself in approximately a month and a half. The dealership gained control over fuel usage, ensuring accurate recording, and eliminating unaccounted-for gallons. The Fill-Rite system continues to provide a return on investment.
With real-time tracking capabilities, the Fill-Rite Fuel Management System provides accurate data on fuel consumption for the dealership, effectively preventing the daily losses that were previously encountered.
The system has granted the dealership greater control over fuel usage, ensuring precise record-keeping and minimizing unaccounted-for gallons. Ultimately, the fuel management system continues to deliver a positive return on investment.
Let’s explore your full potential! Tell us your story and together we will help you track fuel usage and start saving money!
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